



Biewer Sawmills provides its customers with the highest-quality lumber, superior service, and exceptional reliability. Our four fully-automated sawmills, producing both SPF and SYP, are vertically integrated and equipped with industry-leading advanced technology.

Our newest sawmill, located in Winona, MS, began operating in March 2022. This mill, modeled after Biewer’s first southern sawmill addition in Newton, MS, implemented enhancements to the design that will improve efficiencies and maximize outputs. This state-of-the-art facility will produce 250+ MMBF annually. Learn more about Biewer Sawmill Winona here.

Biewer encourages sustainable forestry practices and employs several foresters at each mill to manage timber procurement. Read about our commitment to the environment in Why We Are Green.

Biewer Sawmill Winona

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When I was running that 2×6 I thought I was back in my early days of being in the lumber business 20 years ago. And it wasn’t even #1, it was just #2. I work in the reman side and that product just goes through the saws so smooth, it’s perfect.
– Philip, Taylor Made